February 11, 2025

How to earn $5,000 per month as a freelance engineer?

How to earn as a freelance engineer

How to earn $5,000 per month as a freelance engineer

[Our actual experience]

Currently, we are earning a living as freelancers, and our skillset is “Web Engineer & Digital Marketing”

As the number of our followers grew, so did the number of queries we received.

  1. What route we should take to earn huge money per month in programming?
  2. If we use only WordPress with plugins, can we achieve good money only with this?
  3. Can we achieve $5,000 per month as a freelance engineer or do we have to take a job?
  4. Do we have to go to the crowd-sourcing route to build our freelance game?

The following is a summary of the issues raised.

What should be your “Work Path” to reach a monthly income of $5,000 as a freelance engineer?

Let’s first give you the final conclusion:

(1) Take work from your branding

(2) Build and take work from connections

*Don’t use crowd-sourcing as the price is low.

Let’s see the detailed explanation.


① How to take work from branding


Simple… “Promote your area of Expertise as much as you can.”

Make your Profile simple yet effective. “Yes… This is exactly the guy I wanted,” the client should realize inside the first 10 seconds.

It’s OK if your profile covers the points of “Who you are? What can you do? What kind of achievements do you have?”, But it’s more vital to show what type of services you can create as a programmer that properly fit and cater to all of today’s web needs.”

It goes without saying that social media promotion is equally critical. Learn it NOW:

How to increase followers on Social media

The reason why expressing yourself and your specialized fields leads to getting the work fast

Disseminating information about your area of ​​expertise can prove that you really have the knowledge. There are many people in the world who don’t have the expertise and that’s why they don’t seem to be confident from their profiles.

By displaying your information, you can establish a lasting impression on a client who has only seen your image once. They’ll turn to you sooner or later if they remember you. And it’s because you’ve given the idea that you’re an expert in the field of programming.

By taking tiny moves forward, you will be able to continue receiving employment and eventually recurrent jobs.

If you’re starting with freelance, posting on social media becomes an “Essential Task” in today’s age.


② Build and take work from connections


You must first monetize your skills in order to identify and establish contacts.

Specifically, it looks like the below.

Commercialize your skills (and price them) 

In case you want to start programming as a freelance set your rates. For example:

Website production: $1000 onwards

E-commerce website production: $1200 onwards

Web media production: $1500 onwards

Many people find it “difficult” to set commercialization, but once you start from somewhere and keep improving your skills and price, you are almost the winner.

It’s time to start cultivating your relationships once you’ve marketed your abilities and taken on some employment, or even if you haven’t yet.

Now name your every promising connection as your sales partner.

For example, having a salesman from a web production firm (there’s a chance you’ll get spillover jobs) or a buddy with a lot of connections with the management would be beneficial.

In our case, we get sales partners from our blog and previous history that we built from scratch.

Value addition is important

When earning as a programmer, it is important to consider the value added to the product.

For example, SEO is an excellent value addition.

There is a saying that “To sell a product, sell the future”, and the same is true for Web production.

Take a look at the following sample of a client-you discussion.

  • Why don’t you make a website? → Why should I?
  • Website is actually helpful in increasing your sales? → How?
  • Now the world is more on the web, online marketing is the future of “Sales increments”

Actually, as a programmer, you should be aware of the following:

Customers aren’t paying for your skills.
They are “Investing” in the future ahead.
The art is to really generate the business, and you will learn by earning money at this point.

“Oh… Branding myself…?” you might be wondering if you’ve gotten this far. But I am not sure will I be able to market myself.” Let’s keep reading further.

If you can’t do SEO, find a better way.

Or find a friend who is familiar with SEO or you can align a team of developers, designers, and marketers. This is essentially the same as forming a business. Many businesses have merely begun at this moment.

Most individuals, however, do not go this far, which is why you hear so many failure stories. Our objective is to stay away from failure stories as much as possible because they create a bad image in your mind that is never helpful. an excellent thing to have while starting a job or a business at any age.

What are the “Required Skills” to earn $5,000 a month as a freelance engineer?

Skills are as follows.



JavaScript basics

jQuery basics

PHP basics



Promotional Skills

In this article, the explanation is focused on Web engineers but is also applicable to other similar fields like content writing, video editing, and digital marketing because there is no big difference strategy-wise.

What level should be of HTML and CSS?

It’s fine if you can create a website using HTML, CSS, or Bootstrap. It’s easy and FUN. You should be able to learn it in two months even if you are a complete beginner. For the learning method, refer to the Basic roadmap to learn coding

What level should be of JavaScript and jQuery?

If you have learned HTML, it is very easy and you can learn some common effects with the jQuery library quickly. JavaScript is OK with a basic understanding and is usable for basic website functions. No need to go to Advanced JavaScript in your starting earning days. You can learn it gradually as you proceed with the website building work as and when the requirement comes. For JavaScript learning, it is enough to study from YouTube or from the Best coding or programming learning websites.

What level should be of PHP and WordPress?

It’s fine if you can build a WordPress theme from scratch unless there are not many adjustments and updates done with the third-party plugins. As for PHP, if you can’t write neat and clean PHP code from scratch, accept WordPress projects and let the PHP game take its time.

Again, what is important is Value Addition

In the Web industry, SEO and Branding is essential for every company. SEO is an invaluable value addition for you to learn and implement besides coding.

Technical skills should be learned in practice

As for skills, if you have 1-2 years of experience, you can NEXT aim for a monthly income of $10,000, provided how much you can brand yourself or make it a company. This is the time when your business skills have become more important than your programming skills. Business skills here are skills such as,

      1. Value Addition to client
      2. Communication skills
      3. Forming a team
      4. Maintaining the team
      5. Operating efficiently

Building a company may not seem related to programming skills but they are of utmost essential to earn huge money through Freelance.

Actually, there are many freelance engineers exists who earn $5,000 a month

Studying their ways is also important

Your motivation gives a huge impact on your earning game and if you aim for $5,000 a month, it is very important to meet or study those who are already doing it.

Also, it is more important to check their credibility. Better, if you can meet or authenticate them from somewhere for example in business exchange meetings, you will be much closer to achieving your goal.

In the modern age where SEO, Digital marketing are taking a greater space in the web world, the possibilities are endless.

It is also a good idea to actively approach them on Social media as we have just mentioned in the section on how to make social connections.

As a secret, we can sum up it in one line and that’s:

Increase your income as a programmer by making more connections with the programmers who are already making money.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on Twitter.

Some very useful and related links to study:

How to be a self-learner and Earn through IT

Advanced Roadmap of learning coding and earning from it

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